Personal Information
You may choose to provide personal information by using the contact form on this site. Personal information is solely used to conduct business with you and to provide us with information needed to serve you. We DO NOT share information about our visitors with any other person or organization unless required to do so by law, nor is your information sold to any third party. However, when you submit personal information via the contact form, you are expressly agreeing that this firm shall have no liability for the disclosure of any information obtained due to errors in transmission or the unauthorized acts of third parties. Electronic mail on the internet is not secure, and may not be confidential.
Attorney-Client Relationship Not Created
As explained on the Disclaimer page, you are not establishing an attorney-client relationship by contacting McCown & Fisher, LPA. Any information you provide to us via telephone, email, letter, fax, or any other means will not be given the legal protection of an attorney-client communication. We will continue to guard the privacy of any communication as described above in the personal information section. We may disclose your personal information if required to do so by law or in other exigent circumstances. For this reason, we ask that you do not disclose any private or confidential information unless and until you have established an attorney-client relationship with our firm by meeting with an attorney during a consultation.
Rule Compliance
Some legal jurisdictions consider the websites of law firms to be legal advertising. Before establishing an attorney-client relationship, one should take various factors into consideration. You should not hire an attorney based solely on their written qualifications or website.
Legal Content
McCown & Fisher, LPA provides no guarantee or warranty with respect to the legal information that we have incorporated into this site. Not all information on this site is maintained by McCown & Fisher, LPA, and we do not claim responsibility for such information. Additionally, any information provided on this site is for educational purposes ONLY. The information contained on this site is not legal advice nor should be construed as such. As always, one should consult a competent, licensed attorney for legal advice on the fact specific nature of the particular case.
Revisions To This Policy
McCown & Fisher, LPA reserves the right to revise this policy at any time. Should the privacy policy be revised, the changes will be posted to this this page so that our users are aware. This firm will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected.